Sunday, July 24, 2011

How do you remove the smell of poo off my skin? (The ass of fear)

How can you forget about fear after living in its house for so long?
    Under its weight for so long it feels like it is now your skin and
    the new skin stinks as it becomes the shade of gray that wears out 
    Afternoons. What can you know of fear after being in its house

For so  long that you can no longer engage with the day, only the fear?
    What if you just got up and walked outside of this place and did
    Not look back? Refusing to look back because if you do that
    You are fucking crazy.

How can you know fear and have emptied its trash cans for so long?
    Every morning you would sweep out its bathroom, living room,
    Florida room, bed room, reading room, guest room. How could
    you clean this house?  Wiping the tables. Wiping the glass.
                                      Wiping the windows. Wiping the toilets
                                      Wiping the shit from its ass.  The ass of fear

The ass of fear
The ass of fear
The ass of fear


I am this ass of
Fear too.

Monday, June 6, 2011

how to work in a call-center

I am waiting for something to happen

The look on my face is blank because

This is a long process at this time. This

Could take years. I don’t mean to be this
Way. Damn, this sucks.

I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me
Anymore, I love my position and I will try and do very go

Od in my position here within this building

Thanks for the face-time. I am psyched to
Go back to my computer screen.

So here I am waiting for something to happen,


“Hello, I am calling from inside of a building
have you considered going back to a building


How this translates into a work day I cannot tell you

Sunday, June 5, 2011


dark hausis
sleepy bodies
television scre

Saturday, May 14, 2011

the gargen

I can hear the train
Underneath the sound
Of rainfall.

The players won’t
Work if it is raining.
No chance

Of them playing to

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Two Dollar Cover (TOniight)

Sick purple shirt your face looks so
punk in this light are u going to speak
on the mic tonight?

I imagine, by your outfit, that your
poems will be spit with aplomb.
You are the shit son!

Remember this guy? What was your
name again? This guy is so awesome!
Are u spitting tonight?

Has the list filled up yet? Two dollar
cover my man. Welcome to the
community of poetry!

You owe me a drink because it is a
two dollar cover but it's cool because
you are going to buy me a drink?

This is my girlfriend she is an
awesome bed-maker and she
looks so effing hot broski. I love


Monday, April 18, 2011

i wrote a poem for lizz straight's unborn child it's called: ∆ or save 10% or the baby or mother hood:

make elaborate shopping lists for you,
translate them (using babble fish) in
to mandarin and then translate them (ag
ain, using babble fish) into french whi
ch i then translate (using babble fish)
back into american english.